Monday, January 19, 2009

So I've been thinking of a song

Well, the song I've posted below has a bit of a story behind it. Its about this teacher I had last semester who refused to give me an A on any of the papers I submitted to her. No matter the sweat and blood I poured into it, peer edits, and even her own advice I just could not get that A. Oh well, at least it made it fun writing the song. Hopefully I'll post a video of the finished product on here sometime. I just need to work out the power chord conundrum...

She sits up late
And corrects their work
She thinks it’s great
Going berserk

On the papers
Of all the kids
Giving out A’s
Is what she forbids

She got to the intro
Said the paper was too slow
You’d better re-write this
Cuz this is horse piss
Yeah you should just
Burn it
Yeah burn it
Yeah burrrnnn it

Grammatical errors
Red marks of ink
Are her night terrors
And all she can think

Her eyes are glowing
A vibrant red
While she’s throwing
Her hands to her head

This way and that
Her hair’s coming out
Cuz she got to my intro
Said my paper was too slow
You’d better re-write this
Cuz this is horse piss
Yeah you should just
Burn it
Yeah burn it

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